Thursday 2 February 2017

*How to Crack Online Web Form Passwords with THC-Hydra & Burp Suite*

*What is THC-Hydra?*

A very fast network logon cracker that support many different services. Free of charge for non-enterprise use Source

*Protocols Supported byTHC-Hydra:*
*.Subversion (SVN)

*.And many moreWhat type of attacks can THC-HYDRA do?*.

*Parallel dictionary attacks (16 threads by default)
*.Brute force/Hybrid attacks
*.Check for null, reversed, same as username passwords
*.Slow down the process of attack- prevent detection- IPS   (Intrusion   Prevention  System)
*.Parallel attack of different servers

*How to install on Windows?*

*.Downloadand install CYGWIN – Linux-like environment for Windows.

*DownloadTHC Hydra

*.Navigate to the directory where Hydra is placed

*.Open CYGWIN and type the command:cd C:\hydra-7.3

*.Next  “./configure“, then “make” and finally “make install“

*.For help- type:hydra

*.For help for module- type:hydra –U “module-name”

Cygin download from here for windows

Download th hydra from here for windows

hydra –U http-form-postHow to use it?
Test site:

*Generate All Possible Combinations Attack*

*.Register a new user “admin28” with password “12345”

*.Open “Developers Tool” Chrome Browser

*.Click on the Network Tab

*.Click the Recording button

*.Navigate to the test site

*.Enter the username and the password

*.Find the post request in the Networktab

*.NextOpen Cygwin

*.Navigateto the hydra’s folder

*.Executethe following command: hydra  -l admin28 -x3:5:1 -o found.txt http-post-form “/Login.asp?RetURL=%2FDefault%2Easp%3F:tfUName=^USER^&tfUPass=^PASS^:S=logout admin28”

The “admin28” user password willbe saved in the “found.txt” file located in the hydra’s folder

*-l admin28 –* point the username
*-x3:5:1 –* generates passwords with length between 3 and 5 with all numbers*-o found.txt –* the found passwords will be stored here


* http-post-form*–  host name + type of protocol*“/Login.asp?RetURL=%2FDefault%2Easp%3F:tfUName=^USER^&tfUPass=^PASS^:S=logout admin28”–*


Relative url:

You can copy the second part of the Form Data Row in the post request. Replace the real username with ^USER^ and the password with ^PASS^. The tool will replace them with the auto-generated ones.With “:S=logout” you tell Hydra that it should stop trying if the HTML response contains the word “logout”.If you want to perform dictionary attack,you can use the following command:

*hydra  -l admin29 -P pass.txt -o found.txt http-post-form “/Login.asp?RetURL=%2FDefault%2Easp%3F:tfUName=^USER^&tfUPass=^PASS^:S=logout admin29”*

-P pass.txt – path to the file containing the passwords

*THC-Hydra Advanced command attributes*

*.the “-vV” only puts Hydra into a verbose mode, so you see what is going on while it is running

*.the “-e ns” instructs Hydra to attempt check for valid NULL connection (meaning blank or no password used

*.the “-t x” defines the thread count to be used, or how many tasks at once (where x = a number)

*.the “-f” instructs Hydra to exit uponfinding the first set of valid credentials or user/pass combo

*.the “-s” instruct Hydra to use SSL for connection

*This tool should not be used to attack websites or services where you do not have permissionto do so. Use this for legitimate testing purposes only.*


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